The whole fam has been a bit busy lately, but we did finally get together for a family dinner and hang-out time.
When we are at my parents' house, my nephews like to stay outside as much as possible. First of all, they're boys and therefore have that inexhaustible energy that can only be properly expended out of doors. Secondly, Grammy and Papa installed a wooden fort/swingset/slide thing in the backyard...big fun. And they live on a level cul de sac, which makes for lots of scooter and bicycle opportunities. So before too long, that's where we ended up.
Levi, as ever, likes to zip down the slide AND run up it. With him, it is high octane ALL the time.

The Little Bit was in one of his moods, which seems to be a constant state of being these days. Let's just say we're seeing a LOT of this face.

Before too long it was suggested that we walk the dog. Poor Lucas: he's almost 14 years old, quite stiff with arthritis, but still likes to escape the fenced in yard for a bit. When the boys are playing in the cul de sac he howls to be let out. Thus, the walk... However, he seemed a bit perplexed by all the activity and the passing around of the leash....the attention of the boys can be a bit much.....especially when they're "being" a dog!

For some reason, Levi tires easily, although he is definitely the gutsiest of the boys. (Or maybe he needs more cardio.) I dunno, but once our walk turned back toward home he whined that his legs were tired, so he got a lift from his mom, and then from me.

Levi is such a rascal, but how can I resist those blue eyes and that strawberry blond hair?

Once we got back, Caleb's little friend Tara came over to play. She visits her grandparents (neighbors of my parents) quite often, so she's often there when we are. And she LOVES to play with the boys. On this occasion, she talked Caleb into trying her roller skates. I wasn't sure how he would do, but he didn't fall once.

It wasn't
that cold, but Dad has very sensitive ears, so he brought out his earflap hat. Then he did an impression of someone, but for the life of me I can't remember who that was supposed to look like!