Thursday, September 30, 2010

Sweetie Boy {Atlanta Dog Photographer}

What's in a name?  I ask you!  Sweetie Boy is a handsome white poodle who arrived freshly groomed with blue bows and blue nails to match.  Don't try to tell him he's 'sweet', though.....on the day of our session he was an alpha male who intended to mark everything in the vicinity as his, including me and all my equipment!  This guy wants everyone to know he's THE DOG, and don't forget it.  Sweetie Boy proved true to his name by enjoying some petting and giving some dog kisses, and although he is a very energetic guy but we managed to get some shots.  Here he is!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

More Sally {Atlanta Dog Photographer}

Finally got around to posting the rest of the images from Sally's session playing frisbee at the Smyrna Dog Park.  Thank goodness the weather has cooled off a touch since then!  Even looking at the pictures I remember how hot it was that day.  I'm ready for fall, and I bet Sally is, too.  When it's cooler she'll probably have more stamina for chasing that frisbee longer!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Labor Day (Atlanta Family Photographer)

Hope you and your friends and family enjoyed some fun over the holiday weekend.  The Parker clan got together for some hot dogs, hamburgers, and time together.  The temperatures were mild and the humidity was low--it was lovely.  Bring on the fall weather!

Here's our impromptu family portrait, especially important since my uncle and aunt were in from South Carolina and Grandma was with us for the day from her new home at nearby Bethel Gardens assisted living facility.   We can hardly believe she'll be turning 98 on Halloween! 

And in what has become a tradition for us, we do one 'goofy' picture at the end.  *sigh*  Poor Grandma, she's the bright spot of dignity in the midst of the craziness! 

It's the journey, not the destination {Atlanta Child Photographer}

I'm probably as guilty of it as anyone, even though I'm a photographer and I know better. The phenomenon of seeing a picture, the finished product of a session, and subconsciously imagining the scenario as having unfolded, effortlessly and without stress or mishap, like something out of a movie. Nothing, of course, could be further from the truth. Usually for each one 'good' photo there are ten 'off' images: eyes closed, heads too close together, a meltdown from a tired child, an unfortunate item in the background, a sudden burst of wind or cloud at the wrong moment. Name it and it's happened.

I was reminded of it yet again as I quickly skimmed me the family shots I took today of my family enjoying a get together at my parents' house.

So for every one of these....

There's a sequence leading up to it that looked something like this....