Through the years as my family has
tolerated endured enjoyed being the constant inspiration and subjects of my camera, certain habits and practices have developed. They KNOW that I will arrive with camera bag, and often tripods, reflectors, and other various trappings. Occasionally I will shout out "Stop" or "wait" or "give Grammy another kiss" if I miss a key moment. All in all, they take it in good humor. My nephews, however, have become somewhat more challenging as they've grown out of their baby and toddler years and become more self-aware little people. They now make faces. They pose. In short, they refuse to cooperate. Thus was born the habit of cajoling them into some sort of agreement by way of allowing a "goofy" picture.
As a result, during the recent sittings on Easter Sunday, I got WAY more shots like these below than the "keepers." Such is my life.

Even the adults could not be counted upon for dignity. *sigh*
(I think Dad was calling for backup from the boys at this point!)

That's's all good. Aunt Nina can roll with it. Remember: Mother's Day is coming up soon, people, and the camera will be BACK!