Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Snakes and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails {Georgia Child Photographer}

That's what little boys are made of.  Oh, yes it is.  (The origin of this nursery rhyme is very interesting, btw.)  There are some truths that are eternal and universal, and this, I think, is one:  boys will be boys.  There are things that are almost guaranteed to create joy in the heart of the average little boy.  Since my sister has three of them, I know whereof I speak.

This past weekend I was reminded of it again.  Since we live in Atlanta, a visit to our extended family in rural Georgia (here, to be exact) is a decided change of pace.  For my nephews, it is heaven on a stick.

There are cousins.....COUSINS!!!   (They adore having cousins.)  There is plenty of room to run around.

There are trampolines to be jumped on,

and crickets to chase.

There are anthills to be kicked over.

There are delightfully bumpy rides to be had in a trailer pulled by a 4-wheeler.

There are muddy shores to explore and rocks to be thrown.

But combine an afternoon outdoors, plastic pellet guns, tadpoles caught in a mason jar full of green slimey water, and a snack of homemade pound cake, and it's boy bliss.  Ahhh, simple pleasures!