When it comes to money, people can get a little......funny. (Yes, I know that rhymed, but I'm leaving it alone!) Personal finance can be a stressful and complicated subject, and finding the right kind of help can make all the difference. This is one of those industries, like photography, where relationship is key. So you when you find people who are not only knowledgable but also just good people, you're truly fortunate.
After meeting the staff at Ameriprise's Alpharetta office, I definitely feel they're the type you'd want working with you on your finances. Everyone was extremely busy but very super nice and extremely appreciative of having their photoshoot just down the hall in a conference room. In and out in only a few minutes: definitely better than scheduling a time at a studio. And the jokes! It was a fun crowd, for sure.
Thanks SO much to Jessica and Paola for organizing this and helping everything run so smoothly.