It's been a week since last Sunday's
Bridal Extravaganza in downtown Atlanta, and between recovering, unpacking, and following up, it's been a busy one. We had SUCH a good time, and met some lovely people. Not only brides, grooms, and their family and friends, but also other people in the industry. And by the end we were all moaning in unison about how our feet were hurting! haha
This was my first experience at a bridal show, and it was a bit overwhelming, especially when it came to the booth itself. Deciding on the look, the design, and and the display items were challenging. Luckily, I had a lot of help. So I definitely want to give HUGE thanks to those who supported, encouraged, cheered me on, listened as I agonized over various details, and lent a shoulder, literally and figuratively. Biggest thanks go to Mom and Dad, Sis, Ellen, Sheri, Leigh Anne, Wade, and of course partner in crime Jan Madert who manned the booth with me. Also I must give thanks to
PWD Labs for coming through with beautiful prints, and Sandy at
Ameripress for the business cards and marketing pieces that went over very well with everyone who stopped by. Both of these companies came through with quality products that helped tremendously with my confidence and presentation at the booth.
Speaking of the booth, here it is! Honestly, I was pleased with the way everything came together.
Before the big day rolled around, though, there was the madness of preparation. Here's how the backdrop looked when it arrived at my place. That's the oversized, rolling suitcase it comes with on the right. The frame does this amazing compression thing and pops out to a 9 foot width, then the fabric panels clip onto the metal bars.
Taping off the booth space to see exactly how much space I had. Seemed like a good idea at the time, but.....then getting that tape off the carpet was MURDER. Ugh. But at least I could really feel the space, which helped me decide against furniture to keep the space open.
Deciding which prints to display was definitely the hardest part. I came up with five different layout options and put them together in Photoshop. Yes, I really did. My apologies to those who were forced to look at those mockups and help me decide. :o
So, the backdrop and materials are packed up but still sitting near the front door, since another show is coming up in a little less than two weeks. Woot woot! That one is the Indie Craft Festival.....more info about this event here: