The Hazlehurst House in McDonough served as the setting for Chelsea and Andrew's lovely celebration. With family in from all over, as well as friends from college in Kentucky, it was quite an event. Although there are many beautiful antebellum event venues all over Atlanta, the Hazlehurst House has simply exquisite details and fantastic customer service to match. The upstairs area where the bridal room is located opens onto the 2nd floor porch, which was a stunning setting for a portrait of the bride. This was my first time at the venue, and I was thrilled that my friend Jason Hales asked me to come and shoot this wedding with him.
Chelsea has the...most....amazing....dress--I loved the skirt with the floral design all over.

The bridal room at the Hazlehurst House has got to be one of the most beautiful I've ever seen, full of gorgeous light and vintage furnishings.
Chelsea and her father about to walk into the garden for the ceremony.
Because they had just finished a festival on the square in downtown McDonough and had not reopened to traffic the place was deserted and we were able to have the place to ourselves. It was fantastic.
Time to party!
Be careful who you let have the microphone at your me!
The Hazlehurst House is simply beautiful it up in the evening.
Chelsea's sorority sisters celebrated the marriage with their traditional song.
The new mister and missus head to their waiting car to leave for the honeymoon.
Happily ever after!
Huge thanks to my friend Jason Hales for asking me to second shoot this wedding for him, the Hazlehurst House for their amazing service on the day, and Chelsea and Andrew for being such a fantastic couple to work with.