Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Katy and Justin are MARRIED! Woodstock Community Center {Atlanta Wedding Photographer}

What was your New Year's resolution?  Most of us promise ourselves to exercise more or eat less junk (or both), but this couple decided to promise each other their love and begin 2011 as newlyweds.  And they did an excellent job of it, from the really sweet exchanges amongst the various relatives, to Katy's unabashed JOY once she got that dress on, through their lovely ceremony to the fun reception.  Once again I worked with Wendell at C &W Photography in Woodstock, and we had a great time.  Here are the images from their day...

Katy and Justin were married at Hickory Flat United Methodist Church in Canton.  I loved the stained glass windows in the foyer, and the sanctuary had large windows with lovely light.

They decided not to see one another before the ceremony, but wanted to do a quick picture (with finger contact!) around the edge of the door.  So cute.

Twirling.  It's the undeniable right of an adorable little girl in a swirly dress.  (Or even a big girl in a swirly dress!  Most ladies I know are not above a quick twirl if the mood strikes--it's just a female thing.)

We were NOT in short supply in the humor department--the bridesmaids were lovely AND a hoot.

She walked down the aisle on the arm of her dad, and left on the arm of her new husband.

After the ceremony everyone headed to The Woodstock Community Center for the reception.  The bridesmaids and the rest of the wedding party definitely knew how to!

"Justin, this is the LAST time you'll have the upper hand." - wedding toast

Serenaded with a lip-synched version of an N'Sync song, I think.  Can't remember....I was laughing too hard.

Congratulations, Katy and Justin!