Friday, January 7, 2011

New Year's Eve at the Chik Fil A Bowl

This year was a departure for me in terms of ringing in the new year.....I went to a college football game, and a bowl game at that. I had never actually been to a college football game before, so it was quite an experience. The crew included myself, my friend Wade, and his two girls, visiting for the holidays.

Here's Kathleen and Kayleigh on MARTA. Wade's got some very good advice from one of his law enforcement brethren on where to park and ride in, which worked well. We were going the opposite of a lot of the crowd both in and out--easiest time I've EVER had going into downtown Atlanta for a major event.

Kathleen wearing her adorable new hat...I think it was from Claire's.  The face on it is super cute.

So excited!  I think the bands were about to come onto the field for halftime.  Kayleigh is involved in Color Guard and drumline at her school, so I got some very impressive color commentary of the performances from her.  Very enlightening to watch it from her perspective.

One of the main highlights of the evening:  Chik Fil A sandwiches.  There were vendors walking around with satchels of them, and they were HOT.  The sandwiches, I mean.  Don't know what they put in those packs to keep the sandwiches warm but it worked.  She's a teeny thing but made quick work of that sandwich and probably could have polished off a few more if given the chance.  (Oh, to have that metabolism!) 
Kathleen went for a pretzel instead.

Oh, yeah....we got a cow! 

On the way home .....Wade's comment on this photo:  "There's always some nut riding MARTA."