Friday, March 6, 2009


Every other week my family gets together at my parents' house for dinner. My sister usually arrives straight from school with all 3 boys. The oldest both have homework, and the littlest often does his best to distract and demand attention from the various adults trying to assist with homework, cook dinner, etc. We love it, of course, but it's a madhouse.

But yesterday, the little dude had actually managed to expend SO MUCH energy earlier in the day that he was tuckered out and fell asleep in the van. And even stayed asleep when carried in and tucked into Grandma's bed to finish his nap. An anomaly, indeed.

He looks so peaceful here....quite a contrast to his usual energy level these days.

(And I took this one from an angle so you could appreciate the eyelashes. Are they not totally wasted on a 3 yr old boy? I'm just sayin'....)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Winter Wonderland

Yesterday we had a VERY unusual event for this part of the country: a massive storm that dumped snow all over the South, from Alabama through Georgia and beyond. Due to (thank goodness) the warm snap we had experienced the day before, the ground and streets weren't cold enough for much accumulation. But it was sorta pretty while it lasted!

Once it started, just before Noon on Sunday, the appearance of the ground and cars changed rapidly. In an hour the view from the back of my apartment building went from this...

To this.

But work waits for no one, so I tentatively got on the interstate, driving VERY slowly. I did snag one shot looking out the window of the car....everything looked so beautifully gray and frosted.