Sunday, June 26, 2011

Teaching a Class at Barkworld Expo {Atlanta Dog Photographer}

My father is a retired teacher. He was an EXCELLENT professor who was beloved by his students. While I had great appreciation for what he did, and the skill with which he did it, never, no never did I have any desire to follow in his footsteps. Frankly, I just never pictured myself (pun intended) in a classroom--there were other career paths that seemed more appealing at the time. And everyone knows, of course, that teachers' salaries are modest at best. The irony, of course, is that after pursuing a career in advertising sales, reputed to pay fairly well, I'm now a starving artist. Go figure.

So it's a bit surreal to find myself in this position. I've accepted an invitation to teach/lead a workshop at Barkworld Expo, held here in Atlanta, this September. Yep, there I am.....on the page of guest speakers. Sure, I wrote the bio and submitted the photo, but it's still quite an experience to see it live on the website. The headshot of me is by my friend Jan Madert, btw--first time I've used it! Here's a screen cap (that's me, bottom left):

The timing of the request was definitely serendipitous. Initially I contacted organizer Denise Quashie about exhibiting at the event. Then I received a phone call from her, and we discussed the possibility of a class/workshop. She and I quickly hashed out a concept for a useful, practical approach for dog owners, and it was a done deal. At the time, our beloved and elderly labrador Lucas was increasingly frail, and I knew we probably would not have him much longer. Our situation is not unique: SO many pet owners have faced the loss of their furry friends, and no matter what the circumstances, it's a difficult thing to experience. Photographs and images of pets who touch our lives go on even when they cannot, and as such are priceless. Many people, I've found, realize too late that they have precious few images of their pets. That's part of the reason Nina Parker Pets was created: to provide pet lovers with the opportunity to have authentic, creative, artistic images made of their pets. Shortly after I agreed to teach at Barkworld, I took some time to shoot images and video of Lucas and create a remembrance piece. Only a few weeks later, we had to say goodbye to our sweet boy, so of course I was hugely relieved to have worked on the project when I did.

I've already begun working on the curriculum and outline, and I'm really excited to share it. There is definitely a need for more people to invest in portraiture for their animals, and this class doesn't detract from that in the least. But obviously a professional photographer can't document every moment of every day: only the owners get to enjoy all the habits and expressions and mannerisms that make their pet unique, and it's important to capture those things and treasure them.

So, Barkworld I come! Get ready to have some fun. :)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wine Still Life

It's been really fun to play around with some wine themed still lifes, just for fun. (I didn't go to art school so I don't have that horror story of shooting a bowl of fruit for hours as a class assignment) Each time I pull some things out, arrange them, and look through the lens I see something different than the last time, so I think this is something I'll be able to enjoy doing for a while.

And no, I didn't empty all those bottles myself. Thanks for asking!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

In praise of Moms.... {Atlanta and Marietta Family Photographer}

Wedding season is in full swing, so I'm trying to catch up and share recent images of some lovely brides, as well as some personal things, including some recent holidays.  Is it just me or are there not enough hours in the day sometimes?!

So with Father's Day quickly approaching I remembered I hadn't blogged about Mother's Day a few weeks back.   Of course I was with mia famiglia celebrating and spending time with the crazy bunch.  My oldest nephew Caleb is VERY excited that he's as tall as his great grandmother.

Ian is apparently a big fan of a singer/dancer named Jason Derulo and was eager to show me his moves.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

War Dog - A Photo Essay {Atlanta Dog Photographer}

I love dogs, and I love and support our military.  So of course I was instantly intrigued by this photo essay on Foreign by Rebecca Frankel.   The pictures are fantastic, but there's also some great information.  The photo of the soldier sky diving with his canine partner is awesome.  And....doggles?!  (Yes, those are goggles for dogs.)

There's no question that these dogs can bring both unique capabilities as well as intense loyalty to their human comrades.  It's very encouraging to see these brave canines treated with respect, as opposed to dogs in previous conflicts who were considered equipment and disposed of.  The fact that a dog reportedly played a critical role in the recent location and demise of Osama bin Laden should prove their value.  [Atta boy!]

To see the article click HERE