Tuesday, September 7, 2010

It's the journey, not the destination {Atlanta Child Photographer}

I'm probably as guilty of it as anyone, even though I'm a photographer and I know better. The phenomenon of seeing a picture, the finished product of a session, and subconsciously imagining the scenario as having unfolded, effortlessly and without stress or mishap, like something out of a movie. Nothing, of course, could be further from the truth. Usually for each one 'good' photo there are ten 'off' images: eyes closed, heads too close together, a meltdown from a tired child, an unfortunate item in the background, a sudden burst of wind or cloud at the wrong moment. Name it and it's happened.

I was reminded of it yet again as I quickly skimmed me the family shots I took today of my family enjoying a get together at my parents' house.

So for every one of these....

There's a sequence leading up to it that looked something like this....